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I had a great long ride this weekend.  I started out a bit before the sun set which meant the animals were out.  I just love riding in the evenings.

  The evening light creates some nice flat light for soft shots of flowers.

 It also sets an interesting mood for when you come across old ruins.  (I'll have to come back to this place to set up some experimental shots)

This was a challenging shot to try to capture.  It's a 30 second exposure with a flash at the beginning of the exposure.  The red line is from my taillight as I rode down the path illuminating the trees as I went.  I just set up the camera on a rock, set the timer, and hopped on and hoped I was in the frame when the flash went off.  It took a few tries, but I think the result was interesting.

This was a fun shot to set up.  It's a 100 second exposure with no flash and the only post-processing I did was adjust the exposure down a smidge.  For this shot I again just set the camera on a rock, set the timer and illuminated the bike using my headlamp turned down to a low brightness.  I waved the light over all parts for the bike from multiple angles to make sure it was completely lit.  Notice how there are no harsh shadows on the bike!  I also lit the rocks and trees a little to give the bike a setting.  This method of photography gives me ideas for some crazy shots to try in the future.  Fun, fun!  I like shooting at night, there are so many things you can do that you can't do during the day.


Carol said…
I really like the night ones too!
phutton said…
It's so much fun to see your shots! Thanks for explaining how they were done.

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