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I had a great ride yesterday for the inaugural Colorado Crooked Roubaix. Most people did ride with traditional road bikes, but I opted for the comfort of the Fargo. The stability and traction on the decents made it worth carrying the extra weight of the big tires. I think I sold a couple people on the versatility, comfort, and all-around greatness of the Fargo.

The ride started in chilly 25 degree weather at 7:00 in Winter Park. It eventually warmed to a rather pleasant 60. If you are up for a long day in the saddle with a lot of gravel then I would definitely recommend this ride. It is very scenic and it is nice to get off the beaten path. The colors were just beginning to turn. I think next weekend in Crested Butte is going to be spectacular!

There were 150 riders on the loop, but I was actually rarely riding with anyone. It provided for few distractions from the scenery.


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