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Showing posts from January, 2012


It's fun riding in the snow.  We pretty much have the trails to ourselves and it is very quiet and peaceful. We just have to watch out for the cows on the path.  Luckily they are not aggressive. They are mostly just curious.


It's been a while since I had a good Fargo ride.  I like to get out to where the skyline is filled with towering stacks of hay-bales instead of buildings.  You'll have to click on these pictures to view them larger so you can tell what is going on. My overall feel during the ride wasn't as good as usual.  Riding through the plains this time I noticed a lot more abuse to the area.  I came across many oil/natural gas rigs and all of their accompanying equipment. There were countless old run-down buildings.  Some were interesting, some were trashy, and some were just ugly.    I rode on...  Another fix-er-upper. There were some of the idealistic old farmsteads that reminded me why I love riding in the plains.